
The development cycle of Flutter: An introduction

Published Apr 8, 2020 • Last modified Apr 28, 2023

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This article was previously published on Medium. It has been updated with changes introduced to Flutter for the last 3 years.

Having experience in programming for about 7 years in various languages limited to consoles, I always wanted to explore software development beyond the black screen. One area that particularly interested me, was Android and its app ecosystem. I had been meaning to start mobile development for quite a few years, but the development processes then were a bit overwhelming to me.

And then I came across Flutter, not even a year ago. Honestly, its not-so-difficult learning curve, ease of building custom designs and quick development caught the attention of the designer in me and intrigued the programmer in me, and I was instantly hooked. If you had asked me about Flutter about a year ago(from the time of writing this article), I wouldn’t have even had the slightest idea.

Differences from native frameworks

What makes Flutter different from native frameworks? Here are some points to consider:

Press that "go-to definition button."

The entire Flutter SDK is available with a single click from your IDE.
It's readable, documented, and you can even edit it (and yes, hot-reload works)

— Remi Rousselet (@remi_rousselet) April 8, 2020

The elephant in the room: Hot Reload

Demonstrating hot-reload though a meme

So what is the uniqueness of hot reload that makes it worthy of having a separate section? It might be just the thing you need to escape compiling take the greater share of development and gain ultra-fast development. Hot Reload makes changes take effect moments after you press a button and continue. By default, it also preserves the current state of the app.

Hot reloading makes the changes take effect immediately without losing state

This “sub-secondness” doesn’t end with adding or removing only a few elements and changing some properties; entire screens can be added, removed, or swapped with another.

This is one of the consequences of Flutter using Dart, a language made by Google that includes a Dart Virtual Machine with Just in Time (JIT) compiler which supports incremental compilation. An abstract explanation of the hot reload process follows:

When the user requests a hot-reload, the VM reloads the changed files and forces a widget rebuild

A crude representation of the hot reload process in Flutter

This functionality is not limited to Flutter itself, as the following tweet shows:

Did you know that pure @dart_lang programs also support stateful HotReload? Building CLI apps can now be as fun as building a #Flutter app 🎉

Super straight forward with jaguar_hotreload

— Pascal Welsch (@passsy) February 1, 2020

Enough talk, head on over to this article demonstrating the dev cycle in practice.